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Crinkly Plastic

What do you do with your used carrier bags, sweet wrappers and frozen food wrappers?

If you’re still throwing them in the bin. Stop now! It is so easy to recycle these.

How can I recycle these things?

Most large supermarkets accept crinkly plastic and have large containers dedicated to it

Get a Better Planet - crinkly plastic 1

How do I know what I can recycle?

Get A Better Planet - Crinkly Plastic 2Most plastics that can be recycled carry this logo, most state that they need to be taken to a recycling center.

Generally speaking, most crisp packets, frozen chip/potato wrappers, frozen veg wrappers and sweet/chocolate wrappers can all be taken to be recycled.

Why should I do this?

Of course, you don’t have to do this. You could continue to bin these items and have them collected by the council and sent to landfill, however, these items being recycled is a good thing for many reasons.

  1. Less new plastic needs to be produced which is better for the environment
  2. Tonnes less plastic can be sent to landfill, plastic is notoriously bad at biodegrading, so will end up in landfill for decades
  3. Some of the items can be made into sheets for homeless people that can keep them warm during winter
  4. This will help to reduce your carbon footprint
  5. Most people go to the supermarket at least once a week so it’s not out of the way

See Which’s Youtube video

Article date 23/11/24 – Get A Better Planet

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